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Installing a bathtub surround is a relatively easy task that can be completed in a day or two, depending on the complexity of the project. Here are some essential things you need to consider before you start the installation process:

  • Choose the right bathtub surround that fits your bathtub's size and shape

  • Gather all the necessary tools and materials

  • Ensure that your bathtub is clean and free of any dirt or debris

  • Ensure that your walls are clean and smooth

  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully

Here are the steps you need to follow to install a bathtub surround:

  • Step 1: Prepare the Bathtub Surround

The first step is to prepare the bathtub surround for installation. Remove any packaging materials and lay the pieces on a flat surface. Check that all the pieces are present and that they fit correctly.

  • Step 2: Install the Adhesive

Clean the bathtub and the walls thoroughly, removing any dirt or debris. Apply a bead of adhesive to the back of the first panel, ensuring that it is evenly distributed. Press the panel firmly against the wall, starting from the top and working your way down. Use a level to ensure that the panel is straight.

  • Step 3: Install the Remaining Panels

Repeat the process for the remaining panels, ensuring that each panel is level and correctly aligned. Use a jigsaw to cut any holes needed for the faucet, showerhead, or other fixtures.

  • Step 4: Seal the Edges

Once all the panels are installed, seal the edges with silicone caulk. This will ensure that water does not seep behind the surround and cause damage to the walls.

  • Step 5: Finish the Installation

Allow the adhesive and caulk to dry completely before using the bathtub. Once dry, you can add trim pieces or other accessories to finish the installation.


  1. How long does it take to install a bathtub surround?

The installation process can take anywhere between a few hours to a full day, depending on the complexity of the project.

  1. Can I install a bathtub surround myself?

Yes, you can install a bathtub surround yourself, as long as you have the necessary tools and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

  1. Can I install a bathtub surround over old tiles?

Yes, you can install a bathtub surround over old tiles, as long as they are clean and in good condition.

  1. How do I clean my bathtub surround?

Use a mild soap and warm water to clean your bathtub surround. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbing pads that can scratch the surface.

Final Thoughts

Installing a bathtub surround is a quick and easy way to give your bathroom a new look. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully, and ensure that you have all the necessary tools and materials before you start the installation process. With a little patience and attention to detail, you can have a beautiful and functional bathtub surround in no time.