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Removing a cast iron bathtub can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be done efficiently and safely. Whether you are looking to replace your old tub or just want to make some bathroom renovations, removing a cast iron bathtub requires some careful planning and preparation. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to safely and efficiently remove your old cast iron bathtub.

Tools Needed

  • Adjustable wrench or pipe wrench – For loosening tight pipe joints and nuts.
  • Crowbar – Helpful for prying up the tub corners and edges.
  • Hammer – Use a hammer to tap nails and drive the tub from structural supports.
  • Pry bar – Another tool to help pry up and remove tub sections.
  • Demolition gloves – Protect your hands from injury while removing the tub.
  • Drain strainer, rags, and a wet/dry vacuum – To catch any water left in the pipes during removal.

How to Remove a Cast Iron Bathtub?

Cast iron bathtubs can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance, but eventually they may need replacement. When it’s time to remove an old cast iron tub, here are steps to remove it:

Step 1

Shut off the water supply and drain the remaining water from the pipes. Use a strainer to catch any debris clogging the drain.

Step 2

Loosen and remove nuts and pipes connecting the tub to water supplies. Use an adjustable wrench or pipe wrench to turn counterclockwise. Disconnect hot and cold water stub-outs.

Step 3

Loosen tub caulk or sealant from walls. Use a putty knife, chisel or caulk remover tool to scrape away any remaining caulk holding the tub edges in place.

Step 4

Pry up one end or corner of the tub at a time. Use a crowbar, pry bar and hammer to pry up, remove nails and lift each end of the tub from the wall studs. Have helpers spot you as you lift to avoid injury.

Step 5

Remove remaining debris stuck to walls after tub is out. Use a chisel, wire brush and wet/dry vacuum to clean out any remaining caulk, nails or plaster residue left behind on walls.

Step 6

Re-seal, patch or repair any damage to walls before installing a new tub. Apply tile repair epoxy or waterproof patching compound over any holes or cracks in ceramic tile walls and let dry completely.

Step 7

Consider your tub replacement options before installing a new tub. Style, material and cost will factor into your new tub selection. With proper removal of your old cast iron tub, you’ll be ready to install an acrylic, fiberglass, steel, ceramic tile or new cast iron tub.


Removing a cast iron bathtub is a DIY task that requires some careful planning and preparation, but it can be done safely and efficiently with the right tools and techniques. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can remove your old bathtub and make way for a new one or other bathroom renovations. Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or a beginner, with these tips and tricks, removing a cast iron bathtub can be a manageable task.