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Hair dye stains in the bathtub can be frustrating and unsightly. But don’t worry, removing hair dye from your bathtub is a simple DIY task that can be done with a few household items. In this guide, we’ll show you how to effectively remove hair dye stains from your bathtub, step-by-step.

How to Remove Hair Dye from a Bathtub

Step 1:

Removing hair dye stains from a bathtub can be challenging, but with some elbow grease and the proper cleaning products, you can get your tub looking as good as new again. Here are the steps to remove hair dye from a bathtub:

Step 2: 

Scrub off any excess hair dye immediately after dyeing. Use an abrasive sponge or scrubber and a degreaser or heavy-duty cleaner to scrub off as much of the excess dye as possible. The more you can remove right away, the less there will be to clean later.

Step 3: 

Let the tub soak in detergent for at least 2 hours or overnight if possible. Fill the tub with hot water and add laundry detergent or a detergent booster. The longer the detergent has to soak in, the more it will help lift the hair dye stains and stains from the porcelain surface.

Step 4: 

Scrub any remaining stains with an abrasive sponge and detergent solution. Make a strong concentration of detergent to scrub tough stains before rinsing. Baking soda also makes a great abrasive scrub for hair dye stains.

Step 5: 

For tough stains, make a paste from water and cream of tartar or oxalic acid. The acid in these white powders helps help lift stains from surfaces. Let the paste sit on stains for several hours or overnight. Scrub off before rinsing.

Step 6: 

Rinse the tub thoroughly with hot water to remove all detergent residue. Use a sponge or scrubber to wipe away any detergent bubbles remaining after rinsing.

Step 7: 

For natural dye stains, you may need to repeat the soaking, scrubbing and acid treatments until all stains are removed. Be patient through the process as it can take time and effort to fully eliminate stubborn stains.

Step 8: 

For tough stains in grout or hard water stains overlying the dye stains, scrub with an old toothbrush and make a paste from water and baking soda, cream of tartar or oxalic acid powder. Let sit and scrub off.

Step 9: 

Rinse again and wipe dry to prevent water spots. Your bathtub should now be clean and dye-free again after this multi-step process. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Removing hair dye stains from your bathtub is a simple and cost-effective DIY task that can be done with just a few household items. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively remove hair dye stains from your bathtub and restore it to its original condition. Say goodbye to unsightly stains and enjoy a clean and beautiful bathtub once again!